Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on 6th March 2023 at Tydd St Mary Village Hall, commencing at 7.00pm.


Chaired by Cllr A Magnus


Also, present: County Cllr P Coupland. District Cllr Tyrell, Mrs J Ripley Parish Clerk and 21 members of the public.


1. The Chairman welcomed all present.


2. Adoption of Minutes from Parish Meeting held on 3/3/22

These were proposed seconded and adopted as a true record.


3. The Chairman gave a report on council activities during the past year:

22/23 will always be remembered as the year in which we celebrated HM Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee, and too soon saying goodbye to the Elizabethan era and welcoming King Charles III.

It now feels like we are back to normal post covid, and we have had many well attended meetings especially by our younger parishioners. Hopefully these links with the school will continue to grow.

We have managed to increase out Council from 3 to 7 members who have all bought to the Council a wealth of experiences and opinions and also assisted with our workload, thank you.

The Lincolnshire Community Foundation has assisted us in improving the play equipment and surfacing at Tydd Gote play area as well as purchasing a new bench made by Long Suttons Men’s Shed, who also made one for Tydd St Mary. The talent and patience of the craftsmen at Men’s Shed was tested by the refurbishment of the Tydd St Mary Village sign but the outcome was fabulous and is appreciated.

The Parish Council also completed some work making good the grass areas in the playgrounds in both villages and the Spring weather should help these to look their best,

The 30mph limit in Tydd St Mary has been extended to Crossgate and the PC will continue to work with LCC Highways in an attempt to reduce speeding through the villages.

Thank you to Cllr Markillie for organising the Xmas trees for both villages which were decorated and enjoyed through the festive period, hopefully they will survive to be enjoyed again this December.

The Classic Car rally was a big success in May and the number of vehicles and visitors is constantly increasing.

Tydd Football Club continue to have two competitive teams and the Playing Field Committee have a number of volunteers giving their ideas and time to enhance the village.

Last but not least I would like to thank Jane Ripley for her support and guidance as our Clerk.

Thank you.

Cllr Annette Magnus 


4. The Clerk gave a brief Financial report for the last year.

For the financial year 2022-2023 the total income for Tydd St Mary Parish Council is expected to be in the region of £36,988.00 with expenditure estimated at £32,500.00.

The Precept for the year was £27,000.00.

Other income has been generated from Allotment rents at £4,680.00 and grant funding of £1,930.00.

The Accounts for the previous year were signed off by the internal and external Auditors.

All Council finances can be found on the TSM Parish Council Web site.

5. Topics for discussion



Sam Norris introduced herself as the new Speedwatch co-ordinator and voiced the need for more volunteers to join the scheme. She will run a recruitment drive.

Concern over speed outside the Pre-school was discussed.


Looking after our Villages

Items raised included litter and the Tydd Wombles.

Problems throughout the Villages regarding people not picking up Dog Poo.

Fly tipping, those present were informed about the reporting systems for Highways and SHDC via their web sites.


Future Development

The Zip wire working party was discussed as were ways to raise funds for the project.

Carl Wilson of Tydd Football club reported on plans to apply to the FA for grant funding for future maintenance of the football pitch.


6. Any other matters from members of the public.

Items discussed:

The Outline planning application from Medleys Charity for 28 Houses off Lowgate. Residents voiced concerns they have on the development and its impact on the villages present overstretched infrastructure.

The proposed Dog Area on the old bowling green at glebe field, concerns over more dog fouling and attracting more dogs to the area.


There being no further questions the meeting was closed at 8.15pm.

Confirmed and approved.

Sign:                                                                                        Date: