Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on 3rd March 2022 at Tydd St Mary Village Hall, commencing at 7.00pm.


Chaired by Cllr A Magnus


Also, present: Mrs J Ripley Parish Clerk and 5 members of the public.


1. The Chairman welcomed all present.


2. The Chairman gave a report on council activities during the past year:

We have all had a challenging year, with a mix of remote zoom meetings to now being able to meet in person as we come out of the Covid pandemic.

As a Council we are pleased, with the support of the Lincolnshire Community Foundation, which has enabled us to provide new secure fencing and a new basket swing to Tydd Gote play area. We are also about to start a project to repaint, repair and resurface the multiplay unit which will greatly enhance this facility for the village.

We have purchased 2 new dog poo bins for the Glebe Field and are in the process of siting a couple more around Tydd St Mary.

There was a new Speedwatch group set up and this is led by Jackie Worboys using equipment purchased by the Council. This group was formed following many comments regarding speeding through the villages, however, to continue it is in need of more volunteers.

The Council have continually been chasing Highways and County Council to improve our roads, pavements and speeding and this is an ongoing area of concern.

Our allotments are all now rented out to local users and are much appreciated by them.

We purchased live Christmas trees in 2021 with the environment and parishioner’s pockets in mind, this means the children of the villages can watch them grow each year when the decorate them and the cost of cut trees and installation will no longer need to be budgeted for.

The Council is pleased to see that the Playing Field Committee has continued to thrive during Covid, and regular football is now being played by Tydd Football Club, who are aiming for promotion to the Premier Division this season and welcome the support they receive from the village. This year we are lucky that the Classic Car Rally will be able to go ahead on 15th May, after being cancelled in 2020 and 2021 due to Covid, this is an event which brings a great turnout to the village. There are also plans for a summer village fete and we are looking at ideas from parishioners to commemorate the Queens Platinum Jubilee.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the many people who have helped neighbours during the pandemic, the Wombles and other groups who have helped to keep the village neat and tidy for everyone’s benefit. A special mention must go to Lisa and all who work in Tydd Village Stores for delivering essentials and offering help when needed.

We are a very small but hardworking Council and currently have a couple of vacancies so if you are able to contribute towards improving our lovely villages, we would love you to join us.

Thank you.

Annette Magnus


3. The Clerk gave a brief financial report for the last year.

For the financial year 2021-2022 the total income for Tydd St Mary Parish Council is expected to be in the region of £38400.00 with expenditure estimated at £32250.00.

The Precept for the year was £26000.00.

Other income has been generated from Allotment rents at £2290.00 and grant funding of £8800.00.

The Accounts for the previous year were signed off by the internal and external Auditors.

All Council finances can be found on the TSM Parish Council Web site


4. Topics for discussion

a.       Queens Platinum Jubilee

b.      Tydd St Mary Village Sign

c.       Redevelopment of Bowling area at Glebe field        


a. Ideas put forward by those present were a 2 day celebration (Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th June) to be held at The Five Bells Public House Tydd St Mary.

This would be a 1950s theme, fancy dress optional.

An entry fee of £2 per adult (children free) would be charged to go to a local organisation or charity. It would be hoped to have music groups throughout the day and evening, multiple food stall, games and 1950s rides.

Any parishioners who wish to get involved and help are most welcome to join the Jubilee Task Force.


b. The replacement or restoration of the Village sign was discussed. It was proposed that Men’s Shed project in Long Sutton be contacted to ask if restoration was something they could help with.

c. Ideas put forward:

A Multipurpose all weather Games Area.

Zip wire

Dog Park

Community Garden

Planting a tree area for picnics


5. Any other matters from members of the public.

Items discussed: None.

There being no further questions the meeting was closed at 8pm.

Confirmed and approved.

Sign:                                                                                        Date: