Adopted by Tydd St MaryParish Council

at meeting held on November 4th 2021



Tydd St Mary Parish Council awards grants to organisations and community groups which; in the opinion of the Council; are in the interests of the Parish of Tydd St Mary and/or its residents and will provide benefit which is commensurate with the expenditure.


The Grants budget will be set annually as part of the general budget setting process.


In each financial year grant applications will be invited by 31st August for consideration by the Council. Successful applicants will be notified by 31st October and the sums awarded will be payable after 1st April the following year.


The scheme will be publicised through the Parish website and Parish notice boards and during Council/Parish meetings.



Organisations will not automatically be written to on the basis of previous expressions of interest or successful applications.



1.    Who can apply?

Local organisations, community groups, sports/recreational clubs. 

All must:

·         be of a non-commercial nature,

·         have a constitution, set of rules or documented aims and objectives,

·         have a bank account in its own name with at least two signatories,

·         be of benefit to residents of the Parish of Tydd St Mary


2.    Grant applications CANNOT be considered for:

·         Organisations intending to support or oppose any particular political party or to discriminate on the grounds of race or religion,

·         Organisations which are primarily commercial in nature,

·         ‘Upward funders’, ie local groups whose fundraising is sent to their central HQ for distribution,

·         Organisations which have a closed or restricted membership,

·         Retrospective expenditure, ie where activity or task has already been carried out,

·         Loan repayments or ‘day to day’ running costs.


3.    Application process:

·         All applications should be submitted on a Grant Aid application form (available from the Parish Clerk or on the web site).

·         Organisations will be required to provide a copy of their previous two years’ accounts or; for new initiatives; a budget forecast.

·         Organisations will normally be required to provide a copy of their written constitution, their aims and objectives and be able to demonstrate that they are properly managed and able to run their affairs in a competent manner.


     Council will consider applications on the following basis;

·         How well the grant will meet the needs of the community.

·         How effectively the organisation will use the grant.

·         Whether the costs are appropriate and realistic; supporting evidence may be required.

·         Whether the sum applied for is proportionate to the amount of people who will benefit from the purpose of the grant.

·         The level of contributions raised from the organisation’s own fundraising activities and other sources.

·         The amount and frequency of previous awards granted to the organisation.


   Council will resolve to accept or reject each grant application, both successful

   and unsuccessful applicants will be advised in writing.


4.    Conditions:

·         Payment of a grant will made by cheque or bank transfer which; on receipt; should be acknowledged in writing by the organisation, stating the amount granted.

·         A grant must only be used for the purpose for which it was awarded unless written approval of the Parish Council has been sought for its change of use.  If it transpires that a grant has not been used for its original purpose, the Council reserves the right to request the return of all or part of the money.

·         Council may make the award of any grant subject to such additional conditions and requirements as it considers appropriate.

·         The Parish Council requires feedback or receipts at six months after the grant has been awarded to demonstrate how the money has been spent and/or to inspect the outcome of the expenditure, (legal requirement for grants of £2000 or more).

·         Should the organisation disband during the period of the grant, the Council may ask for all or part of the monies to be paid back.

·         Organisations are responsible for ensuring that they are in compliance with all legal and statutory requirements.